15 October 2020
News from Free League Publishing
As epic space adventures go, Coriolis – The Third Horizon is one of those you'll need to sit back and take note of. And now, Free League Publishing has announced the second part of the associated Mercy of Icons Campaign, with pre-orders open for The Last Cyclade, which will be released on December 8th.
"Far above in the darkness of space, a lone ship waits to enter the portal. Its crew stands ready to complete their mission: to reach the ghost ship Zafirah first to unveil the truth behind one of the horizon's most ominous mysteries...
Many months ago, the destroyer Zafirah vanished. Now she is back, in a time of turmoil as the council and authorities are questioned, and people begin to revolt against their oppressors. The throat of the Third Horizon is exposed, and this is when something ancient rises from the shadows."
The book itself is a 240 page hardcover to include two new full length adventures, and four new locations. There's also a mission generator table to create your own adventures, plus a wealth of in-depth background information for the Game Master. The game was written by Rickard Antroia, with Gustaf Ekelund as artist, and the cover art by Martin Grip.
If you're new to the game, Coriolis - The Third Horizon is a mix of hard science fiction and mysticism, where you'll make your own fate amongst the starts. You might crew a spaceship and travel to the space station Coriolis, or explore the ruins of the Portal Builders, undertake missions, or more - space is your oyster. If that intrigues, then Free League offer a Quickstart guide that introduces the basic rules and offers a tutorial oneshot called Dark Flowers.
You can pre-order your copy directly (which will include a PDF download when released) or with your FLGS, for release on December 8th 2020.