19 August 2019
Impersonate a meeple!
Know your Konieczka from your Chvátil? What about your Lees from your Leacock? Show your gaming knowledge at Tabletop Gaming Live 2019 and you could win some amazing prizes.
This year’s Tabletop Gaming Live convention in London’s Alexandra Palace on September 28th and 29th will host The Ridiculous Tabletop Pub Quiz, the hilarious tabletop trivia challenge run by Coaching for Geeks.
As well as giving you a chance to fire up those brain cells as you separate your Euros from your Ameritrash and cast your mind back to gaming classics of the eighties, the Ridiculous Tabletop Pub Quiz will take you beyond simple questions and answers to reward the most clued-in and creative fans of gaming.
How about busting out your spot-on impression of a meeple, or displaying your dexterity skills for real? You might even find yourself offering up one of your team in the worker-placement round!
Emerge victorious and you could walk away with some incredible goodies, from new games and subscriptions to other special prizes. Win or lose, you’ll leave with a smile on your face.
The Ridiculous Tabletop Pub Quiz will be held in Tabletop Gaming Live’s workshop zone at 4pm on Saturday September 28th. Entry is just £5 per team – you can sign up to enter your crack team of gaming experts here. You’ll also need a ticket to Tabletop Gaming Live, available via theticketfactory.com.
Tabletop Gaming Live will take place on Saturday, September 28th and Sunday 29th 2019 in Alexandra Palace, London. Buy your ticket before the show and you’ll be able to get in an hour early. Weekend passes and family bundles are also available.
Among the other workshops taking place during the weekend are game design lessons from veteran designer James Wallis, where you’ll be able to learn to make your own board game (separate tickets are required), and free painting tutorials to help beginners brush up on their skills, plus a speed painting competition.
In the separate talk area, Games Workshop co-founder Ian Livingstone leads two days of speakers including the creators of Hellboy: The Board Game, Escape the Dark Castle, King of Tokyo and more, who’ll speak on everything from how to discover amazing roleplaying games outside of Dungeons & Dragons to how board games could even help save the world.
Meanwhile, in the tournaments area, prove your gaming skills in games including Pandemic, Catan and the Dragon Ball Super Card Game to win even more amazing prizes and even advance to compete for the title of UK and European champion!