Sage Advice Compendium Updated

06 October 2020
Sage advice indeed!

There's been a significant update to clarify the rules for D&D this week, across most aspects of the game, with a new Sage Advice Compendium available. It's aiming to answer questions that have emerged, including links to eratta documents for Curse of Strahd, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Storm King's Thunder, Tomb of Annihilation, and Volo's Guide to Monsters. 

These include corrections to the terminology used, as well as where changes to spells or context have been amended. They have a feel of FAQ style clarifications of intricacies within the game, meaning they may even include things you haven't yet thought of. Nicely, it also mentions that the tweets of Jeremy Crawford are sometimes a preview of rulings, so we can continue to rely on those in future. 

It marks an update to the previous, denoted by [new] showing within the PDF, and is downloadable over on the Wizards of Coast site

Clarifications that have caught our eye include: 

For wizards, can Minor Conjuration create a copy of a book, complete with all its text, if the wizard hasn’t seen all the text?

No. In the case of a multipart object, the intent is that you must have seen all parts of the object to duplicate those

For a Paladin: Can a paladin use Divine Smite when they hit using an unarmed strike?

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No. Divine Smite requires a melee attack using a weapon. The rules don’t consider unarmed strikes to be weapons

Misty step doesn’t say the caster can bring worn or carried equipment with them. Are they intended to leave everything, including their clothes, behind?

No, the caster’s worn and carried equipment are intended to go with them. Some teleportation effects do specify that you teleport with your gear; such specification is an example of a rule being needlessly fastidious since no teleportation effect in the game assumes that you teleport without your clothes, just as the general movement rules don’t assume that you drop everything when you walk.


There's obviously plenty more, and it makes for an interesting read even if you haven't raised a question