11 June 2020
The podcast is back, and we’ve released it all at once for you to binge (or listen to in whatever order you like).

Welcome to the new season of the Tabletop Gaming Magazine Podcast! We've been speaking to some amazing people, and we're excited to share this with you. It's all set for you to #GoBinge, and we'd love to hear from you on Twitter what you thought and which episodes were your favourite, with the hashtag #TTGPodcast.



All of these can be found on various platforms, so you can:

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Check out our line up below:


Episode 1: Family Games with Ellie Dix
We talk to Ellie Dix about creating board gaming families, teaching games and get her top five family board games. We give you tips to get your family playing Terraforming Mars twice a week.

Episode 2: Messy Games with Alex Sonechkina
Alex Sonechkina takes us through her favourite big messy games and we discuss what draws us to games that just have too many rules and too much stuff (and why we love them)

Episode 3: Folk Games with Ivan Brett
We chat to Ivan Brett about folk games (and even play a few of them). We get Ivan’s top five folk games to play over Zoom and discuss what’s important about ‘play’.

Episode 4: I Used To Play Warhammer But… With Agents of Sigmar
Robin and Pete take us through some of the struggles of wargaming and miniatures painting, as well as giving us a top-five games for those of us who don’t have time to play Warhammer.

Episode 5: Card Games with Wossy
We talk to Ross ‘Wossy’ Gilbert about trading card games, ‘the meta’ and get his top five card games that aren’t The Pokemon Trading Card Game

Episode 6: Roleplaying Games with Richard Jansen-Parkes
Richard takes us through the world of RPGs, discusses ‘the theatre of the mind’, OSR, D&D and we discuss the joys of GMing. We also get Richard’s top five RPGs that aren’t D&D


Episode 7: Dissident Whispers RPG Adventure Collection for National Bail Funds

We talk to Kat from the Whisper collective about Dissident Whispers, an RPG adventure collection created in just under 12 days with proceeds from the sale going to the National Bail Fund Network. 

Episode 8: Abstract War with David Thompson and Trevor Benjamin

Designers of the double Must-Play winning Undaunted: Normandy and Undaunted: North Africa. We discuss abstract war games, abstraction in general, and most importantly, playing games with your brother.

Episode 9: Solo Gaming with Tristan Hall

We’re interrogating the world of solo gaming with Tristan Hall, creator of Gloom of Kilforth and 1066, Tears To Many Mothers. 

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Episode 10: Free Games and Delve with Anna Blackwell

We talk to Microgame of the Month creator and curator Anna Blackwell about free games, print 'n' plays and her upcoming game DELVE.

Episode 11: Issue 45 Excitement!

Chris (Editor) and Charlie (Online Editor) talk about the newest issue of Tabletop Gaming Magazine, and some of the great stuff you'll find inside it.

Episode 12: Nick Smith of Ludoquist

We speak to Nick Smith of the Ludoquist about the store, reopening under the COVID-19 restrictions, the price of games these days, and getting people into gaming.

Episode 13: Board Game Mechanics with James Wallis

We settled down this summer with James Wallis to discuss mechanics in games, games writing and award winners, plus James' top five Spiel des Jahres winners.

Episode 14: Board Game Art with Ross of More Games Please 

We speak to Ross of More Games Please about everything from how he got into the hobby to begin with, how Oliver Twist played a role in what we know now, how to get the best photographs for the 'gram, and how streaming is forming a new digital community. 

Episode 15: 2020 VS 2021 in Board Games and RPGs with Steve Tudor

We’re joined by Steve Tudor of the Polyhedron Collider podcast to discuss how 2020 went for board games, GM advice for the dreaded shopping experience, and get Steve’s top five most anticipated games of 2021.

All of these can be found on various platforms, so you can:

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Stitcher

Listen Online

Listen on Spotify


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