Tabletop Gaming Magazine's 2020 A Game of Cat and Mouth Tournament!

26 December 2020
For the Mars Bar Victory

What better way to round off the year, than with an epic, high tension, highly competitive tournament amongst colleagues at Tabletop Gaming?

Certainly, it's been a tough year, so with one of our Must-Play rated games in hand, we challenged the team to a battle of Exploding Kitten's newest game, Cat and Mouth, a game we rated a Must-Play, and we videoed it for your enjoyment. 

A Game of Cat and Mouth is a dexterity game, where you'll use a magnetic paw to flick balls through the plastic cat head in the centre. You'll win your round by either knocking out the three white balls in the centre representing teeth, knocking out the black ball representing the nose, or by having all of your own balls on the side of your opponent. Simple enough, we set about playing in a sudden death mode – offering only one turn to victory. 

For a little more explanation of how to play, check out first our short introductory video, where we'll also draw names. You'll get a glimpse of the people working behind the scenes, and see them striking a warrior pose. Let us know in the comments of this video your guesses for who will win, before you check out the tournament itself!

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Following that, the tournament was a-go! Highly fought over, the Mars Bar of Victory and general Glory could only go to one winner... Was it who you guessed? Find out below!