Tabletop Gaming Needs You

17 February 2020
Or at least, your opinions

That’s right, we want to hear more from the tabletop gaming community. This seems like a good time to find out a little bit more of what you’re like, and what you like. We've got a few ways that you can get more involved with Tabletop Gaming Magazine...

Readers Survey

To help us do that we’ve put together a readers survey – asking you questions about the magazine and the hobby in general. We ask about how often you play games, what you’d like to get into and what your favourite parts of the magazine are as it stands. Of course, there’s also plenty of ways to tell us exactly what you’d like to see more of. Head over to the readers survey to tell us what you think now! 

Take our readers survey here

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Write us a letter

But because a survey will only ever give us a snapshot of what our readers like, we’d also like to invite you to write in. Disagree with a review? Have an interesting story to share about a feature? Or just want to add your voice to the discussion? Now is a great time to do it. We plan to put together a letters page to contain these discussions. 

Email the editor on: [email protected]


We're Hiring!

At a slightly higher level of commitment than answering a survey or writing us a letter, we're hiring!

We're looking for an Online Editor. This would be someone working directly for the Editor with a remit for online content production, podcast, video and streaming support. The Online Editor will also play a large part in the community management of our social channels. There will be opportunities to contribute to the print magazine, and to make the role your own.

Read more and apply here