26 July 2017
Title based on original A Song of Ice & Fire books co-designed by Blood Rage and Rising Sun creator Eric Lang
What do you get if you cross one of the most popular TV series of all time with one of the most beloved game designers working today? If you’re Cool Mini or Not, a lot of money.
The publisher has launched the Kickstarter campaign for A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game, a wargame based on the novels adapted for television as A Game of Thrones.
Co-designed by Eric Lang – the acclaimed creator of The Godfather: Corleone’s Empire, Blood Rage and Rising Sun, which recently made a not-too-shabby $4.2 million (£3.2m) on the crowdfunding platform – and Michael Shinall, the game pits the various houses of Westeros against each other in tactical battles for the Iron Throne.
The $150 (£115) (plus $20-$30/£15-£23 postage to the UK) starter set focuses on the Starks and Lannisters, and comes with 103 pre-assembled unpainted plastic models, including standard troops alongside characters such as Jaime Lannister, Cersei, The Mountain, Robb Stark with his direwolf Grey Wind, Greatjon Umber, The Hound, Roose Bolton, Maege Mormont and Howland Reed.
Soldiers on the field can be supported by non-combat units, including Tyrion, Catelyn Stark and Sansa, who can apply bonus effects using the separate tactics board, representing the various background dealings and political manipulations seen in the series.
There are five different play modes, ranging from siege warfare and objective control to the completion of hidden objectives.
As well as the miniatures, the box includes 98 cards split into tactics decks for each house. Players deploy the cards to hinder their rival or boost their own forces, using their army commander to add extra cards and powers based on the named characters.
Unsurprisingly, the game quickly passed its $300,000 (£230,000) target and has raised more than $570,000 (£437,000) so far – the campaign will run until August 16th, so you can expect that figure to go quite a bit higher in the next three weeks.