The W’adrhŭn Are Here! and so is issue 457

09 April 2021
Issue 457 of Miniature Wargames we have another great selection of rules and scenarios for you to chose from.

Issue 457 of Miniature Wargames we have another great selection of rules and scenarios for you to chose from.
On the cover and inside: The W’adrhŭn Are Here! Detailing a new faction for Para Bellum’s Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. This is part of a year long feature in the magazine where subscribers can build a whole army for free! So there’s never been a better time to subscribe to Miniature Wargames!

In Command Decision: It’s Narbonne in Southern Gaul  and the year is 436AD. Are you ready for the showdown? Rome versus the Visigoths. Fight this scenario out and find out who will be victorious!

In The Boyne we have some ideas for gaming weather on the table top, all set in this famous 17th century conflict. In Fighting toy soldier battles
... For shame! Artur Harman lays out some simple Horse and Musket rules.

Last month we included Zero Dark: On the Horizon – an introduction to the new Zero Dark Horizon Wars rules: a highly detailed SF skirmish system. This month we complete that with Gauntlet: An exclusive SF scenario for the Zero Dark Horizon Wars rules.
In Uncle Duke we conclude the short series on wargames legend Duke Siefried from the USA.

In Send 3 and 4 pence Conrad Kinch gives us an insight into a gamer dealing with MS and the effect on his hobby.

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In Practical Wargames Scenery Tony Harwood starts work on a 28mm Windmill.

Finally, we have the review sections with of Defence in Depth with eight new products, Quartermaster with some new paint reviews, Forward Observer for news – especially of forthcoming show dates – and Recce for eleven of the very best of insightful book reviews. 

In the Club Spot you can meet the Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society and the Last Word is by Kevin Dallimore. 

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