There’s a Castles of Mad King Ludwig sequel on the way

13 March 2017
1500x1500_9342c87c482b7ad5608d94f84897d6d6a4c5fdbcb799ff4dca82d501-38397.jpg The Palace of Mad King Ludwig
Standalone follow-up The Palace of Mad King Ludwig drops Castles' auction system

Ted Alspach’s widely-loved 2014 tile-layer Castles of Mad King Ludwig is getting a brand new follow-up – and, this time, the crazy royal is looking to build a palace.

The Palace of Mad King Ludwig is a standalone sequel to the acclaimed title and features a similar theme, in that players are working together to construct a fancy abode for the titular ruler while also trying to individually contribute the most impressive aspects to the building – earning them the most points and subsequent victory.

However, according to ICv2, Palace does swap out some of Castles’ mechanics: most notably, gone is the auction system where a rotating master builder sets prices for remaining rooms.

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In news sure to please ornithologists, there will be swan tokens that double as both currency to purchase new rooms and victory points.

Around the palace runs a moat which automatically extends each round, acting as an environmental timer for the game’s remaining length. Play time seems to be a little shorter than Castles – apparently coming in closer to an hour than Castles’ 90 minute length.

Publisher Bezier Games previously teased the announcement on Twitter, revealing sections of Palace’s artwork – which, yes, does feature swans.

The Palace of Mad King Ludwig will be out this October – probably launching at Essen Spiel.