There’s a tiny two-player version of Carcassonne out this September

10 July 2017
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Carcassonne For Two expected to cost well under a tenner

Carcassonne, alongside Catan, seems to have become one of those love-it-or-hate-it games, which introduces a lot of new players to the wonderful world of board games but is derided by more experienced gamers for its casual simplicity.

Nevertheless, Klaus-Jurgen Wrede’s Spiel des Jahres winner continues to be a favourite of countless people around the world for its charming art style, easy-to-teach gameplay and tile-laying tactics.

Now, you’ll only need to find one other person who also enjoys Carcassonne in order to play, as a dedicated two-player version of the game has been announced for release later this year.

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Carcassonne Für 2 (Carcassonne For Two) is a tiny travel-sized edition of the game in a metal tin that, as you can probably guess, is designed specifically for two players only.

It’s not clear how – if at all – the two-player version will differ to the standard game, or whether it will simply mean fewer components in the box, with 48 tiles versus the original’s 72. A travel version of the game was previously released in 2007, which dropped the support for expansions due to its smaller tiles.

What’s also interesting is that it looks like Carcassonne Für 2 will be a budget-friendly addition to the series, with initial prices putting the cost of the box at less than €7 – or £6.

It’ll be out this September in Germany.