Twilight Imperium Map Design Contest

05 January 2021
Galaxy building

The time has come for either budding map designers (ish) or Twilight Imperium fans, as you're being challenged to enter a competition to design the best galaxy. Of course, you do this as part of the game itself, usually as part of your group, but it's popular to construct a custom board, and that's the focus of this competition from Fantasy Flight Games!

Top entries that garner the most fun will be given the opportunity to share it with Dane Beltrami, the designer, and then further within the Volume 2 of the Imperial Codex, allowing it to be shared with the entire Twilight Imperium community. 

You'll be asked to choose a player count, of which there'll be one winner for each of the player counts, but you can only submit one entry in total. Then you'll need to build your map, which are to the following specifications according to Fantasy Flight: 

  • The map can use any red- or blue-backed system tiles from Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition or the Prophecy of Kings expansion.
  • The nine hyperlane tiles can be used.
  • A single system tile cannot be used twice, including hyperlanes—only one copy of each product can be used.
  • The map must be playable by any factions—home systems cannot be used in the map design.
  • The map should adhere to the provided shape, and must include Mecatol Rex as well as an appropriate number of player home systems, but can vary in where Mecatol Rex and those home systems are placed. Hyperlanes may also be used to achieve nonstandard adjacency and resource scarcity.

Meeting these restrictions, you'll then need to fill out the templates available which are available from Fantasy Flight directly, and you can find by clicking here.

Once complete, you'll need to send a picture of the map over to [email protected] with the subject line “Map Contest – X”, where X is the player count.

The deadline to do so is 31 January 2021, so you've got plenty of time to create the best possible map. All submissions will be reviewed by designer Dane Beltrami, and you'll get an email to say if you're successful, or to ask for further details.

Of course, there are always Ts and Cs, so you can find those here, and see the original announcement here

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Sounds like a fun way to spend Lockdown 3!



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