Virtual Tabletop Gaming Live Returns With Spring Showcase

02 February 2021
Join us on 27th - 28th March 2021 for a Spring Showcase

The team behind Tabletop Gaming Magazine and Miniatures Wargames Magazine return this spring with a showcase of what the gaming community is looking forward to for 2021 and beyond.


Over the weekend of the 27th - 28th March 2021 gamers can visit to watch announcements, new game playthroughs and sneak peeks of what’s coming from our favourite publishers and designers over the next few months, entirely free.


The Tabletop Gaming Spring Showcase will let gamers see and hear first-hand from designers and publishers what they’ll be playing later in the year and beyond.


The free virtual show does not require sign up. Attendees will be able to browse stands and video content from publishers big and small as well as retailers at their own pace, just like a real convention.


Fresh content will be going live every hour, meaning there’s always something new going on over the weekend.


Stay on top of the action over the weekend, and don’t miss out on announcement by using our hashtag: #TTGSpringShowcase


The show also hopes to promote first time designers and small publishers who might want to boost their upcoming releases – whether direct, or via crowdfunding. For designers who want to show off their latest games and arrange playtesting and demos, the show is offering cheaper exhibitor rates.

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As well as everything fresh and new in gaming, the show hopes to be a place for second chances. 2020 wasn’t the best year to release a new game, so the show looks to shout about games that might have flown under the radar and are being re-released in 2021.


Plus, there will be the usual gaming collaboration from content creators you know and love, talks, panels and guides.


Joins us on the weekend of the 27th - 28th March 2021 at to kick off a weekend, and year, of gaming.


Want to get involved?

The show is looking for anyone who has a game they want to shout about. If you’d like to make an announcement about upcoming products, games or services, get in touch with [email protected] to talk about main stage content.


If you’d like to book an exhibitor stand, whether for prototypes, running competitions, or other promotions, please contact [email protected]


If you want to see what the content for our last show looked like, head over to our YouTube channel and take a look at our Saturday and Sunday playlists.