08 October 2021
Editor John Treadaway talks through the highlights from the latest issue.
Issue 463 of Miniature Wargames we have another great selection of rules and scenarios.
On the cover we have Stargrave: an exclusive scenario called Stuck in the Middle with you by our Send 3 and 4 pence columnist Conrad Kinch. It's aimed at the very latest SF skirmish system by Joe McCullough, published by Osprey.
There’s an interview Q&A with Battle Systems plus a construction guide for a Market Stall card miniature and there’s a free miniature right on the front cover of the paper magazine!
In the Battle of Maida we have Napoleon in Italy: July 1806. There’s a scenario plus free downloadable rules, and it’s the first of a Napoleonic ‘double bill’ in this issue.
And for the second visit to the Napoleonic wars we have Command Decision. In a La Haye Sainte conundrum, it’s a trip to Belgium in 1815 and the question to answer is ‘are you Prussian enough?’
For a second SF outing with have A Policeman’s Lot. This is an SF scenario set in the Hellfire universe but equally adaptable to almost any background or even scale (written for use with 6mm troops, the game is photographed with 15mm).
When the Boat comes in is a WWII outing which features an interesting combination of Commandos, Kayaks & Cockleshell Heroes. There’s a scenario and simple rules all done with 20mm and scratch builds.
On the subject of scratch builds, our feature this month is a Roman/Gaul defence tower. Historically apt but inspired by the cartoon strip Asterix!
Club Spotlight features the Boscombe Down & Amesbury Wargames Club.
Finally, we have the review sections with a bumper crop of Defence in Depth for Figures and rules, Quartermaster for scenery and accessories plus we have Forward Observer for news and Recce for insightful book reviews.
Last Word Features the Editor