What's inside Issue 469 of Miniature Wargames

08 April 2022
John Treadaway talks through some of the key highlights from this issue

In the April edition – number 469 of Miniature Wargames – we have another great issue covering all periods and styles of tabletop wargaming.

On the cover we feature Battle the Maharatta: a Salute to Wellington in India – with a game from last year’s Salute! This was a tribute game to the late Stuart Asquith using figures culled from many sources.

We have Command Decision. In this scenario we go to Argentina in 1865 for this scenario and gaming conundrum: you are Major Pedro Duarte, commander of a Paraguayan army and it’s the war of the Triple Alliance!

In Send Three and Fourpence Mr Kinch is in a retrospective mood whilst – at the same time – he whips out his crystal ball and has a good go at looking over his last decade writing for the magazine and what he predicts is yet to come. 

However, in Budapest there’s a WWII siege with Soviet and German forces with a scenario using Hell and Uncivil Disorder by it’s author Jim Webster. 

In Bring the Hammer Down we visit Hammerhead 2022

In Trolling – The Oathmark Express stomps on! Kevin Dallimore speedpaints some Middle-earth style Trolls.

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In Live Free Or Die we introduce a multipart series on The War of 1812. 

In Scratch Build Tony Harwood builds a trio of edifices: a Shrine, Statue and monolith.

Finally – we have the review sections with crop of Defence in Depth for Figures and rules plus we have Forward Observer for news and Recce for insightful book reviews. 

Last Word Features The Editor

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