Brave a dystopian universe filled with lost civilisations and colossal dogmatic creatures and begin your journey towards the Dimensional Rift to find the legendary Calamandara!
In Calamandara, travelers (players) must compete against each other to reach the center point of the board. The objective is simple: whoever reaches the center of the board first, wins!
However, this will not be an easy task. The traveler will have to cross dangerous regions taken over by the mysterious DOGMA phenomenon, using the 9 Dogmatic Symbols to fulfil his destiny. Each symbol has different functions and the movement of these symbols on the board happens in conjunction with the Souvenir Cards, which are used to stop the advance of other travelers or boost your own strategy for the ultimate goal of being the big winner!
Calamandara is an abstract and competitive strategy game with token placement and the use of cards, playable by 2 to 4 people. With a lot of dynamism and twists, this game created by two Brazilians promises to give hours of fun to your group of friends. Are you ready for this journey?