22 April 2021
If you can't herd cats, how about stacking them?
It’s not often that a game appears that will fit in your pocket. In some cases, that’s because of the wholly inefficient size of some pockets (should we be graced with them), but in most it’s because the size of board game boxes are beginning to challenge the iceberg that sunk the titanic. In complete contrast to that then, enter Kittin, a small tin game to fit in your pocket that packs a dexterous punch from a tiny paw.
Opening the tin will see you greeted by some bright instructions, some cards, and 24 cat shaped meeples. When you’ve finished admiring the cat meeples (for they are both impressive and somehow endearing), you’ll play against others in a race to build the tower of meeples in the pattern specified on one of the cards. Easy, you may think, but it feels like the spirit of the cat remains within the game, swatting an invisible paw at your tower to knock it down at the last minute, allowing another player to swoop in and claim the card for themselves.
There are also team rules, and a recommendation to kids to make adults play one handed if they seem too fast, which embraces the fact that this is a perfect little family game, or a great warm up to a regular games night. Though admittedly, it borders on the simple side of things and it’s not a new idea in any way, it would survive with flying colours a Marie Kondo inspired clear out, because it really does spark joy. The meeples are cute and well made, they’re brightly coloured, the tiny size of the game means it’s easy to keep squirrelled in bags for a prompt game pretty much anywhere, and it’s a great way particularly to keep the interest of younger gamers.
Charlie Pettit
Designer: Simon Milburn & Caezar Al-Jassar
Publisher: Alleycat Games
Time: 3-15 minutes
Players: 2-8
Ages: 6+
Price: £14
This feature originally appeared in Issue 49 of Tabletop Gaming. Pick up the latest issue of the UK's fastest-growing gaming magazine in print or digital here or subscribe to make sure you never miss another issue.
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