16 February 2021
A kung-fu Velociraptor vs gravity controlling killer bees, and that's just the start
Superfight is a simple party game, whose rules pleasingly fit on a tiny scrap of paper and require no real effort to understand. You pick from your hand of cards an object, and an action to go to battle with. For example, I’d pick pet rock, that can walk through solid objects. Then a random additional card is drawn, so now my pet rock also has a moustache that can stretch and move at will. My opponent, a dragon, able to summon cats to do its bidding, but is also drunk, will now argue against my physics defying rock with a handlebar moustache as to who would win in a fight, with the audience deciding the victor
It’s a logical extension of a “who would win in a fight between…?” with a little more structure. As with many party games, it’s dependent on the crowd you play with as to how successful manufacturing these arguments can be, and how much fun you can have with them, but the cards are mostly effective in generating something silly enough for you to run with. The rules are extremely light, letting you play the game just for fun rather than for a win, though you can easily add timers or a points structure. The game is over when you’ve had enough of the 500 cards in the box.
In being mostly effective, there are the instances where a fair number of combinations just don’t really work together. Plus, it had an odd feeling of Cards Against Humanity to it (and a similar look too), but juxtaposed with seeming like it was trying to family friendly too. On the one hand, this is great for groups to tailor it to their humour without offensiveness being integral, but equally I’m not convinced an eight year old should successfully argue a winning position for a drunken anything. Having said that though, if you’ve got competitive friends with wild imaginations, this game is a hoot, and with just a few house rules, it’s a great one to keep on the shelf for your next light game session.
Charlie Pettit
Designer: Jack Dire
Publisher: Skybound Tabletop
Time: 30 minutes
Players: 3-10
Age: 8+
Price: £30
This review originally appeared in Issue 51 of Tabletop Gaming. Pick up the latest issue of the UK's fastest-growing gaming magazine in print or digital here or subscribe to make sure you never miss another issue.
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